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Information Security

The Problem


Hackers and cyber-criminals continue to practice their craft with impunity utilizing various methods and techniques to unlawfully gain access to privileged data. Corporate espionage is on the rise and cyber-snooping is becoming worse each passing day.

Aided by user carelessness and apathy, personal, corporate and orgnizational data have never been at greater risk than now. Identity theft is a scary thought and every now and then it rears its ugly head.


Credit card information has been breached at a number of financial and semi-financial institutions and drivers' licenses have been issued to fake identity holders. Can someone take your identity and cause you financial ruin? Can proprietary corporate processes and procedures be unlawfully expropriated by unscrupulous cyber thieves from thousands of miles away? Can health records be compromised exposing public institutions to possible lawsuits? Can blue prints of military weapons be pilfered by rogue elements and sold to the highest bidder with devastating and far-reaching consequences? Scary thoughts indeed.


The Solution


Information Security of course ...but what is it exactly?


In a nutshell, it could be defined as the sum of all measures undertaken by organizations designed to preserve the Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA) of information which can be achieved through the adoption and implementation of policies and procedures, technical measures (passwords, encryption, etc.) and physical controls through mechanical devices (e.g. computer cable locks, etc.).


The Need for Regulatory Compliance


Recognizing the danger and serious fall-out from non-existent or inadequate digital security measures, numerous legislations have been passed by authorities to protect digital information. The United States has HIPPA, GLBA, PCI and FERPA

legislations while in Canada, there is PIPEDA and the Privacy Act at the federal level. Variants of PIPEDA exist at the provincial level. While no specific fines for PIPEDA breaches exist, offending organizations could find themselves in court being sued by the PCC (Privacy Commissioner of Canada) or directly by the aggrieved parties themselves.


Datamex Technologies Inc. has over the years developed and maintained technology partnerships in the data and information security arena. The following are among its product and services offering:


. Network Access Control (NAC)

. Two-factor authentication

. Biometric identification

. Secure eMail

. Data Leakage and Loss Prevention

. Encryption of data in motion

. Secure switching

. Geo-IP Threat Prevention

. Network Monitoring

. Cloud Application Delivery

. Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)


We take the time to ensure that we are delivering tested and proven technologies that not only works but cost-effective as well. Contact us                       or drop us a line and together, we can explore how one or a combination of our products and services can address your particular information security needs.


















Information Security Partners

(A Decade of Fraud and Cybercrime)

Datamex Technologies Inc.
2650 Bristol Circle, Suite 200 Oakville, ON  Canada
Tel: 905-565-0900   Fax: 905-565-0901   eMail:
New York  .  Toronto  .  Ottawa  .  Montreal  .  Calgary  .  Vancouver

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